Friday, July 23, 2010

Reading is Fun-damental!

I've recently started reading "The Good Earth" for the third time. I know I know. But just because most people are made to read it in high school is no reason to avoid it. In most cases it is reason, but not this time, I swear! I enjoy it because I don't have to struggle to concentrate on the story and the imagery. I get completely engrossed in the book. It's about a Chinese farmer and what he goes through during his life, such as getting married, having kids, having a surplus of food, nearly starving to death, then bouncing back. Excluding children's books, this book is the one I've read the most times and I plan to read it many more. Three times is a lot for me to read a book. I usually just read it once and never pick it up again, which I think is terrible of me, but there are just too many more books out there that need my attention.

Confession Time: I have a compulsion to buy books. If anybody knows of a fancy-sounding word for this, please let me know; I'd like to use it. ;) I have bookshelves in my room full of books on most topics. I want my collection to be like a library, something for everyone. Even if everyone is just me. One day I will get a notion to read a book and I want to have a variety of choices available. Every book for every mood.

Another Confession: I read strategy guides cover to cover. Yep. Weird, huh? If you've ever read one like you would a novel, you know what I'm talking about. If you only use them to look up something specific, you'll miss out on all of the tidbits in the middle.

I've always wanted one of those libraries like the ones you see in the mansions in old movies. You know, where the bookshelves are built into the walls of the room and all of the books look like they were printed in a set.

I'm going to fantasize some more about my future library. :)


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